Updated 20/6/2017. Maintained by Library Staff


EBSCO (via Morling College Library, OpenAthens) Click "Choose Database" and select "OpenDissertations" .

The Directory of Open Access Journals lists over 6,000 journals of which 2,700 are searchable at article level. Just over half a million articles are available.

Open Access Theses and Dissertations 

The Globethics website makes available its own directory of free online journal articles.

Biblicalstudies.org.uk is a growing repository of theological journals, including many peer-reviewed journals, that is available as a free service to the academic community. This is a growing archive of back issues for journals. Over 70 titles are now hosted on the site. The site also hosts a miscellaneous selection of papers and essays. 

Questia.com is a subscription service for online resources. Some will be available for free via the University’s system, so it’s worth checking there first. A free trial to Questia can be useful if you know what you want – you sign up and then cancel within 24 hours. 

British Library thesis repository. Here you can download free copies of PhD and some Masters dissertations. Some are available  immediately and you may request that titles be scanned and made available within 30 days. The site has over 1,000 British PhDs on Islam, for example. http://ethos.bl.uk/.

British Religion in Numbers: http://www.brin.ac.uk is a free web resource containing historical and contemporary British religious statistics.

Tyndale House in Cambridge, has assembled electronic resources for evangelical theological research http://tyndale.cirqahosting.com/HeritageScripts/Hapi.dll/search1?SearchPage=srchadv.htm

Princeton Theological Seminary’s Online Digital http://diglib.ptsem.edu/ includes copies of the following: : Biblical Repertory, The Biblical Repertory and Princeton ReviewThe Biblical Repertory and Theological ReviewCatalogue of Princeton Theological SeminaryThe New Princeton ReviewThe Presbyterian and Reformed ReviewThe Presbyterian ReviewThe Princeton ReviewThe Princeton Seminary BulletinThe Princeton Theological ReviewTheology Today

The Internet Text archive http://www.archive.org/details/texts carries many out of copyright texts.

The Online Library of Liberty http://oll.libertyfund.org/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=149 is also worth consulting.

Utrecht University’s thesis collection http://www.uu.nl/university/library/EN/igitur/Pages/default.aspx has many dissertations in English.

Free University of Amsterdam thesis collection http://www.ubvu.vu.nl/pub/index.cfm is also worthwhile

The Transactions of the Baptist Historical Society, Volumes 1-7 (1908-1921) are currently available at http://www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/articles_tbhs_02.php and the later editions are being gradually scanned and added. The Baptist Quarterly will follow.

Christian Research in Action Network (CRIAN) is hosted by the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies and is a veritable treasure store of research expertise and resources (including videos of classes and lectures on research methodology – woohoo!). Joining is free and recommended. Basic questions can be posted and advice is usually prompt and very helpful. http://transformingresearch.ning.com/

OnlineQDA provides information on qualitative methodologies and further related resources, including some step-by-step support for the use of selected software programmes. http://onlineqda.hud.ac.uk/

Research Methods for the Study of Religion is a very helpful site hosted by the University of Kent. http://www.kent.ac.uk/religionmethods/topics/index.html

Journal of Biblical Perspectives on Leadership carries the growing range of titles available digitally from Regents University School of Global Leadership. http://www.regent.edu/acad/global/publications/jbpl/

The Evangelical Quarterly. Available free for 1929-2009. https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/articles_evangelical_quarterly.php

NT Wright bibliography and downloadable resources http://ntwrightpage.com/category/articles/

SCOLER: The Church Army’s online repository of Evangelism & Mission Masters and PhD dissertations http://www.churcharmy.org.uk/scoler

Project Canterbury is a collection of out-of-print Anglican texts, with collection of archival material featuring Anglican mission in Oceania. http://anglicanhistory.org/oceania


Last modified: Tuesday, 26 May 2020, 11:17 AM