Degree / Assoc. Degree
Degree / Associate Degree
This is the place you need to be if you're doing a degree: the Bachelor of Ministry or Theology, including the two-year associate degrees, as well as the Bachelor of Christian Studies, and the Bachelor of Divinity.
To plan your course, access the ACT course planner via your TAMS login.
Time limits for awards: associate degrees 6 years, degrees 9 years, combined degree (B.Min./B.Th.) 12 years. The B.Chr.Studs. has a limit of 6 years for the ACT component.
Please access and print your ACT course planner BEFORE meeting with your course advisor.
If you're planning subjects for next semester, you can work much of it out by accessing your ACT course planner, and looking at the timetable and 2023 unit offerings document (below), to see what's on offer, and when.
GSF: Guided Spiritual Formation is a 3 credit point elective Unit in the PC Subject area and is often completed by full-time students. If you're doing three or more subjects in a semester then you're considered to be full-time. If you complete 4 units of GSF (i.e. PC155-603, PC156-603, P157-603, and PC158-603) then they count as 12 credit points, or one full unit toward your degree. This is available on campus in Perth, or online for all other students.
Need more information about a unit? The ACT website (below) contains a description of each unit, including a content summary, and co-/pre-requisites. Use the search field to look up the unit name or code.
Note that both BMin and BTh have an additional honours year available, enabling students to gain experience in research. It requires a total of 96 credit points at AQF level 8 or above. These must include 2 units (24 credit points) from the designated field of research, RM095-912 (Research Methods) and a 36 credit point thesis. A remaining 24 credit points can be chosen from any field. Discuss with your course advisor if interested.
Contacting your Degree Course Advisor:
Once you've looked at the information above, if you still have questions you can contact your course advisor.
The course advisor for the Bachelor of Christian Studies (BCS) is Nicole Starling
The course advisor for the Undergraduate Degree (BMin/BTh/BDiv) and Associate Degrees is Andrew Dunstan- If it's a simple query, email will save time:
- Nicole Starling (
- Andrew Dunstan (
- Email to guarantee an appointment time (Nicole is usually on campus Tuesdays and Wednesdays) or set up a zoom session.