Apply for an Extension (BAT) - including Disruption to Studies extensions

While it is expected that all students will submit their assessments no later than the due date, if unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances mean that they are not able to meet a due date students should apply for an extension

For more extreme cases, a "Disruption to Studies" extension - what used to be called a Deferred Assessment (DE) can be requested. 

To request an extension for an assignment, please complete the form below. Please note that supporting documentation (if required) MUST be attached for your request to be processed. 

Your application should be responded to within two business days (excluding weekends). If you have not received a reply within 4 business days, please email

Please note the following when applying for an extension: 

  • Requests for assignment extensions must be submitted by using the online form below (not through email to your lecturer)
  • Assignment extensions may only be granted if the assessment or exam has not yet been attempted;
  • It is your responsibility to submit the assignment extension application BEFORE the original due date;
  • If an assessment is submitted after the due date (either the original due date, or any extension granted date), the standard daily penalty applies. Please note the assignment will receive zero marks after 10 days after the due date. If there is no assessment extension request has been made and granted, the usual late penalty for failing to complete the assessment will apply;
  • All relevant supporting documentation (such as medical certificates, letter of support from your pastor counsellor etc. which includes the dates of the circumstances that affected your ability to study) must be included with applications;
  • If an extended due date falls after the Friday of the on-campus exam week each Semester, you should apply for a "Disruption to studies extension" instead.
  • Heavy employment or study workload, church involvement and poor time management are not normally grounds for granting an extension.

    You can read the latest version of the ACT Extensions policy here

If your browser is not displaying the form correctly, this is a direct link to the form.

Last modified: Wednesday, 4 May 2022, 10:26 AM