Academic Tutor (Academic Writing Support)

Wendy Noble – Academic Tutor

“…now I bring the first fruits of the soil that you, Lord, have given me” (Deut 26:10a) 

Maybe, taking time to study God’s word at Morling is like a bit like entering the promised land. It is wonderful to be here, but what are you going to ‘grow’ while you are here? What sort of fruit?

As the Academic Tutor, I have the privilege of watching the blossoming of your research and writing abilities. Just as tilling, planting and harvesting the soil is hard work, so is planning, writing and editing assessments. Give yourself time to produce ‘first fruits’!

Some of you have studied recently, others have not set foot in a lecture for years. English may or may not be your first language, which presents further challenges. Perhaps you are passing units, but feel your work is missing something. Let’s talk.

The purpose of my role is to highlight areas for improving your writing, and guiding you to useful resources. You are welcome to send me an email with a quick question, or we can make a zoom or face to face appointment, if more time is needed. My priority is helping new students, but when I have time, I am more than happy to hear from all students.

Before you contact me though, look at the Study Skills tab in Moodle:

  1. Work through the Recorded Workshops to see what is expected of you as you prepare your assessments
  2. Familiarise yourself with the Referencing Libguide for your discipline
  3. Carefully read the General Requirements for Assignments.

These resources will answer many FAQs.

If you would like me to help you with a specific assessment, please include the following information so I can help you more quickly:

  1. Your full name
  2. Number of the unit and name of lecturer
  3. Assignment question in FULL
  4. Due date of the assignment (I need up to 5 days turn-around time)
  5. Your text (outline or draft) attached in .doc/.docx format

Please contact me via email at

I am part-time, working Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but I monitor this email address most days. You can usually find me on the Sydney campus Tuesdays.



We are here to support you and see you succeed!

Who else can I contact for support?
    • If you don't understand what the assessment task question is asking --> contact your lecturer
    • If you don't know where to find resources for your assessment tasks --> contact your lecturer or library staff
    • If you don't understand what your lesson notes or readings are about --> contact your lecturer
    • If you can't find what you need in Moodle --> contact your lecturer or Morling Online
    • If you are having trouble putting your notes into an essay --> work through a Study Skills Tutorial , talk to your study mentor or contact the Academic Tutor
    • If you are not sure how to do referencing --> consult the Libguide or contact the Academic Tutor
    • If you'd like someone to look over a draft of an essay and give you some feedback --> contact your study mentor,or contact your lecturer or the Academic Tutor
    • If you are not sure how to write an essay / book review / reflection etc --> consult the General Requirements for Assignments document, contact your lecturer for more information, or contact the Academic Tutor
    • If you are not sure how to implement the feedback your lecturer has given you to improve your next assignment --> contact your lecturer or the Academic Tutor


Last modified: Tuesday, 1 October 2024, 7:33 PM